BIB - Beijing International Biennale

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41.99 USD

中央戏剧学院和国际舞美组织教育委员会(OISTAT Education)将联合举办第三届“国际舞台美术学生作品交流中心”,从2014年,ISDSWE展览名称将更变为“北京国际双年展”(BIB),主要展示国际舞美组织教育委员会的成员院校的学生作品,涉及范围包含布景设计、舞台装置、服装、灯光设计、音响设计以及剧场技术、舞台绘景及化妆等。
The third session of the "International Stage Design Students’Works Exchange"(ISDSWE)will be held by The China Central Academy of Drama and OISTAT Education。ISDSWE will change its name to "Beijing International Biennale" (BIB) since 2014. It mainly display students works of college from international stage design education organization committee members, which included: set design, stage device, clothing, lighting design, sound design, technology, theater stage painted scenery and cosmetic etc..